Build Higher EBITDA, Faster - Ask us About Pre-Close or Post-Close Operational Improvements.
Companies of all sizes have problems. A multi-national conglomerate might want to purchase another firm but needs better due diligence about specific problems at the potential acquisition. A mid-size manufacturing firm may not have experience with process improvement tools such as six sigma or lean manufacturing and may need some help squeezing inefficiencies out of their operations. When an employee gets injured on the job, the good intentioned managers often make the problem worse instead of getting to the root cause.
In each case, the business may be off-course and may experience unexpected problems. We will help get these issues under control. We have the process improvement experience to make your company leaner, faster and much more profitable.
Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement - We will teach your staff to use Lean and Six Sigma techniques to streamline your operations. Your staff will learn to continuously improve your operations.
Safety and Process Safety - We will help you keep your employees out of the hospital and off of Workers' Compensation. You will improve moral and improve your bottom line.
Operational Due Diligence - We help private equity firms and investment bankers get higher deal value. We can identify, quantify and fix hidden costs in a target asset and help you deliver a higher ROE to your investors.
Leadership & Executive Coaching - We will partner with you to help you maximize your strengths, identify your blind spots, and set you up to have a greater impact on your organization.
We often hear, “Sales are going up, why are profits flat?” Or, “The competitors make the same products, why do they make so much more money than we do?" We’ll teach your staff where to find the operational waste and “hidden value” in an operation.